Friday, April 09, 2010

Chuck Baldwin, candidate for public office (Oh, my)

Saving Souls--Losing Freedom
By Chuck Baldwin
April 9, 2010

This column is archived at

One would have to be a blind man to not see that America is fast losing the
fundamental principles of liberty upon which our once-great country was
established. And, without a doubt, the single biggest reason for this
decline is the lack of concern and effort on the part of today's Christians
and pastors to resist it.

All over America, when one approaches our pastors and church leaders with
the obvious decay and ruination of constitutional government and Declaration
principles taking place in our land today, the response flippantly comes
back: "God hasn't called me to do that; I'm supposed to win souls and that's
it." (Or words to that effect.) As if the call to Gospel preaching,
evangelism, and missionary endeavor negates our responsibility as citizens
of a free land.

Of course, this call to "win souls" doesn't interfere with these preachers'
golf games; it doesn't interfere with their family vacations; it doesn't
interfere with their active membership in whatever local civil organization
they happen to belong to; it doesn't interfere with their hiring of a lawyer
if they are falsely accused or defrauded; it doesn't interfere with their
invitations to celebrity politicians for special church recognition on
patriotic holidays; it doesn't interfere with them going to the polls to
vote; it only seems to interfere when they are personally asked to take a
stand in the gap for our country's liberties. Then, all of a sudden, they
haven't been "called," or "God will take care of it," or "Jesus is coming
soon," or "Religion and politics don't mix," ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

As a result of America's preachers' indifference (and that of the Christians
they influence), our country is on the brink of becoming an oppressive and
tyrannical state. No, let me rephrase that. America is already in the
process of becoming an oppressive and tyrannical state. And it's the
preachers' fault!

For some, it is a matter of ignorance (I think "willful ignorance" is more
appropriate). For some, it is a matter of convenience. For some, it is
comfort. For some, it is ambition. Whatever the reason, America's preachers
are contributing to the collapse of the greatest free country the world has
ever known--all in the name of saving souls.

What these preachers seemingly do not comprehend is that when the hammer
falls on liberty in this country, it is going to FALL RIGHT ON TOP OF
THEM--HARD. There is no mistaking it: when oppression's hammer strikes,
Gospel preachers and Bible believers will be the anvil. And when it happens,
it will not matter that a preacher was popular, or was likeable, or was
non-controversial, or was compassionate, or was a Moose or Elk club member,
or had a big church, or was a friend of the governor, or had "Law
Enforcement Appreciation Day" in his church every year, or that he was
sought out by political candidates for his endorsement. None of that will
matter to a tinker's dam. The boot of state oppression will squash him like
a bug! It will not spare him, his wife, his children, his health, his
finances, or his feelings. And, ladies and gentlemen, at this very moment,
we are not very far away from the hammer falling.

I have just recently come across an official document from one of our war
colleges that is downright frightening. I will expose this document during
my Sunday morning address, which is livestreamed on the Internet, this
Sunday, April 11, 2010, at 10:30 a.m., Central Daylight Time. To watch this
address, go here:

As I read over this document (and the chill bumps began rising all over my
body), I thought of all those preachers out there who have purposely refused
to engage the body politic on behalf of freedom's principles; those who
refused to take a stand for the Constitution and Bill of Rights; those who
took the path of least resistance and refused to be controversial; those who
put money and success before honor and right; those who meekly looked the
other way while George W. Bush (and other neocons) dismantled constitutional
government (and had John McCain been elected and was doing much of what
Barack Obama is currently doing--which he would have been--they would still
be looking the other way); those who claimed to be "too busy" to worry about
politics; and those who thought that somehow their Christian duty did not
include freedom's fight. What they do not realize is that they, themselves,
are in the crosshairs. While they are making a hundred excuses for not
actively helping to defend freedom principles, the enemy--after having
eradicated the constitutional protections of our liberties--will jump on
Gospel preachers and Bible believers "like a chicken on a June bug," as my
dad used to say. I am personally convinced that the plans for Christian (and
patriot) persecution are already in place.

As I read the above-referenced document (which I will expose this Sunday
morning), many things--including the now-infamous MIAC report that most
readers should already be very familiar with--began to make sense. And so
did those reports of FEMA camps that we have all heard so much about, and
maybe even the raid on the Hutaree "Christian" militia.

And does anyone really believe that those pastors who will not jeopardize
their social standing or retirement programs in order to be faithful to the
truth are going to miraculously grow backbones when serious persecution
comes? Get real! These timid trumpeters piously extol the ancient example of
Daniel's courage in rebelling against the unlawful command of his king;
praise the Three Hebrew Children who would not bow to the image of
Nebuchadnezzar; and commend Simon Peter for defiantly telling Jewish
authorities, "We ought to obey God rather than men"--while, at the same
time, quoting Romans 13 to justify their own cowardice and indifference.

It is no hyperbole to say that preachers who ignore and avoid the freedom
fight do so at their own peril.

At this point, it might be helpful to remember Winston Churchill's challenge
to England's citizens: "If you will not fight for the right when you can
easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will
be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to
fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of
survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there
is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as

I invite readers to tune in to my Sunday address this Sunday, April 11,
2010, at approximately 10:30 a.m., Central Daylight Time, as I expose this
disturbing document from one of America's war colleges. Believe me, what I
am going to expose has serious implications for every Christian, every
freedom lover, and every American citizen who believes in an independent
United States.

To watch the broadcast live this Sunday, April 11, at 10:30 a.m. (CDT), go

I wrote back to him thusly:

Dear Chuck,

I'm sure I have said this to you before, but here it is again. One cannot be a "citizen" of ANY nation and be a follower of God. There is no wiggle-room on this. ALL nations (earthly) are representations of the devil. They all promise what they obviously cannot deliver HOWEVER "free' they (say they) are. GOD ALONE answers prayer. To Him go all thanks and all honors. Do you know of any earthly nation that has never murdered its "own" or any of God's creatures? No? I thought not. Is YOUR God Love? Mine is and does not visit murder on His people. The Beast does, though. Why would you consider yourself part of that? Easy way to tell Love from hate: hate uses force/coercion (government) and Love uses persuasion. Am I making sense yet? You are caught inside a mental box. Escape to God-given freedom. It can only cost you your life. Going along to get along will surely cost you your soul. Christ offers you a sword that cuts without harming and ennobles those who wield it. Its name is non-violence/civil disobedience. It entails action on your part in behalf of those most likely to feel the heel of oppression. Bonhoeffer, lately, taught this. Christ, earlier, said love thy neighbor as yourself. Love is NOT a passive activity. "Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also, the body they may kill. God's truth abideth still. His Kingdom is forever." - Luther
You are certainly right about the "Church Profession" industry. They suck off the production of people and promise what they do not personally have - salvation. One must follow Christ's example to achieve that. They deliver compliant sheeple to the slaughter - in other words, citizens of one (earthly) nation or another, played off against other "nations" by greedy men and women whose only thought on earth is earthly wealth. These lost souls "win' no matter what "side" wins or loses. Sheeple lose all sides of this battle, souls included. Are the 'preachers' responsible? Yes and no. We all answer to our God as individuals. No Nuremberg defense to our Maker, please.

John Boanerges Redman


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