Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Responding to a response to a post by Al Cronkite

Christianity certainly encompasses SOME truth, universal truth, like God is love. The whore that it is dressed up like with 501 (c) 3 status, no, not truth. Near truth is a lie. Phillip Bliss wrote Almost Persuaded. There is an uncomfortable truth. God has never stopped telling us to love our fellow man and that ALL are our fellows. Since we are to live IN this world and not OF this world, what does "the culture" have to do with you as an individual? You have to answer that yourself as I have. We face Judgment alone, NOT as a society. No hiding in a crowd, right? Questions; do YOU practice non-violent civil disobedience, refuse to pay tribute, refuse to ask permission of the state to carry out your life, refuse to self-identify with the state, forgive those who do you harm, give generously of your earthly goods, place yourself in harms way in behalf of victims of state oppression, conform your behavior to that of Christ?


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